the front of the bonnet sticks up higher then it used to! somehow overtime it got higher! not sure how but it did! i just got a CAI put in and want to c how much lower i can get it before it toches!
theres a pretty big nut on the spring bit(on the front of the bonnet) that holds your bonnet down, i had to tighten that before my car bonnet went down, although not long after that i got a CAI so i had to raise it slightly for maximum air flow
hahaha trizo is right it wouldn't be a vn commodore if the bonnet didn't stick up. as well as the gauges sticking and having different shades of tailights. im actually seriously starting to think that the left the factory like that
Ye sit is possible and Butcha was on the right track. You also have to make some adjustments to the hinges to make the bonnet open properly again. My mind is a blank at the moment but once i remember i will post again.
What's the difference between understeer and oversteer? Understeer is when the driver is scared. Oversteer is when the passenger is scared.
Dear god in heaven, be careful if you're going to adjust the length of the bonnet latch pin. Make it too short and you'll never get your bonnet open again (just ask lolo about getting bonnets stuck shut).
If you make it too long, then there's a chance that, at speed, the wind can catch under the bonnet and flip it back up and onto the roof of the car. Needless to say, that's not good for the car.
Bite off more than you can chew, and chew like hell - Peter Brock (1945-2006)